Tuesday, March 26, 2013

7 Days of Easter: Day 2 Service

Tonight's activity will be taken from John 13. I'll have to update afterwards once we see how it goes. This is the chapter where Christ realizes that his crucifixion is coming. He washes the feet of the apostles.

As a personal side note, even if you don't want to do the cheesy activities each night, I'd recommend reading through the chapters leading up to Christ crucifixion this week. I felt a sense of peace, sorrow, and familiarity as I read it. Peace because I know the outcome and am so grateful for his sacrifice. Sorrow because it's just sad. It's sad how the world can turn on the good, even today. Familiarity because, as you read the words that Christ spoke as he was with his peers, you really get a sense of who he is--and that's the best feeling in the world! To feel like  you have a small understanding of such a miraculous being.

Tonight, we will read through John 13. We may read 1-17, or 14-17, or just summarize...it will all depend on J's attention span at the time. I'm trying to remember why I'm doing this--so we focus on the true meaning of Easter--and not get caught up on the parts that I love the most and leave J in the dust.

After that, we'll each choose something out of the ordinary that we can do to serve each other. We'll preform the act either the next day (last night we did this right before bed) or that tonight. Obviously, this part will be more for K and I, but I feel like the more focused we are, the better off it will be for J.

It's interesting, as I read through this post I kept having the thought pop into my head, "She's so little, she will hardly understand the commercial part of Easter. None of this will make a difference." There's some truth to that, but I also feel like sometimes with parenting it's just about the habits we set for ourselves from the beginning. J also doesn't understand why she says 'thank you' or 'please,' but it's easier if we start those habits now while she's young so she doesn't know any different later on in life. I'll be honest, these habits are more for me than they are for her. If there's one thing in life that I want to be good at, it's parenting. These habits are to help myself, later on in her life, to be a good parent.

(you can download this picture here)

Update: J got way into this one and loved to look at this picture of Christ. She also really enjoyed rubbing our feet and pretending like she was washing them...foot rub for the win!

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