Monday, April 1, 2013

7 Days of Easter: Day 6 The Atonement

The atonement is such a heavy concept. I could spend my entire life studying this one subject, and never fully grasp or understand it completely. So how do you break it down for a toddler? You don't, really. We described, in a few sentences, what happened to Jesus Christ. What that sacrifice did for each of us. She didn't get it, and that's okay. Remember, it's more about the habits than anything else.

While J is too young to understand a fraction of what happened, I just really wanted Easter to be real to me this year. I listened to this talk about 4 times. I could have kept going, too. I've read or listened or watched this talk close to a dozen times since it was given in 2009. The way Elder Holland describes the events leading up to Christ crucifixion make the sacrifice so personal to me. My cup runneth over.

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