Friday, March 29, 2013

7 Days of Easter: Day 4 The Holy Ghost

Yesterday we read from John 14: 16-18 and 26 and 27. We wrapped up in blankets, read the scriptures, K and I told J the different roles the Holy Ghost plays in our lives, then each told a time where the Holy Ghost helped us.  In these verses, Christ describes the Holy Ghost as the Comforter. We wrapped up in blankets because I thought that was a good physical lesson for J to recognize what the Holy Ghost can feel like. It lasted about 5 minutes and was the perfect amount of time for J. She loved wrapping up in blankets and surprisingly sat still during the entire activity.

For K's experience, he talked about a time when he and I were newly married and weren't sure what to do with ourselves on a Friday night. We went to this really fun park near where we lived, in Utah. As we pulled in we noticed a sign that said the park had a curfew, and we were there past the curfew. K felt prompted that we should leave. As we were pulling out a cop car pulled in and stopped us. We were able to truthfully say that we were just leaving and had little to no trouble with the cop.

For my experience, I described how earlier that day when J and I were walking back from the park, I had already crossed the busy street to get back to our condo, but some geese had landed on the water behind us. I wanted to cross the street again so she could see the geese, but I had a feeling that I shouldn't, so I didn't. Nothing spectacular happened, but sometimes that's a good thing. I'm learning, especially as a mother, to always listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost because one of his roles is to protect us. I'll never know what could have happened if I crossed the street. Maybe nothing would have happened, but it was a chance to practice listening to that still small voice so that someday, when we are in real danger, I'll recognize its prompting and be blessed.

After the lesson, I went to change my clothes. When I walked out J and K were under this blanket. As I sat down on the couch I heard, "Lets hide from mom!" J even got out from under the blanket and ran back to my bedroom looking for me...all while I was sitting right next to them on the couch. Yep, I'm the sneakiest of us all!

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