Monday, July 26, 2010

An explanation for the ages!

Hello friends, sorry I've been gone so long..but by the end of this post you'll know why and you won't be so angry (yep, I knew you were angry). Soooooo, I got that new job I told you about, so I quit my other job so as to prepare for my new one, but since we haven't won the lottery or struck it rich QUITE yet, we still needed money. So after I quit my job I went to Alaska for 2 weeks, one to work at my family's business, and one to play with my husband and family. (the blessing is that working for my family for one week is enough to last us the month..pretty cool, right?). So anywho, I went to Alaska (see other blog for Alaska post...though I'm making no guarantees on when that post will ever happen) and the very NEXT day after we returned from our glorious vacation...I had an accident. Not a pee in the pants accident, I really bad go to the emergency room accident.

Kody and I have been trying to get out of the house more and be social and such. So we call our good friends up and go out to eat with them, then we go play horse shoes (I had never played and hated it at first because I hate anything I'm not good at, but one I got the hang of it I now LOVE that game...not that I'm good at it, but I'm not bad at it, so that's good enough for me), after horse shoes we decide to meet up with some other friends at Lindon Park. Once we get there we decide to play with our friend's glow in the dark frisbee. Now I hate frisbees (yes, for the very same reason I hated horseshoes), so I was a little apprehensive. After a little while of everyone just throwing the frisbee around, I started to feel pretty good about frisbee (A.K.A. I wasn't doing as bad as i remembered) so when others suggested a game of good-ole-fashioned-elementary-school-yard-500, I was in!! At first I wasn't even close to catching anything because I was in flip flops. If you know me than you know that I am not competitive at all (lie). So I took off my flip flops in order to really get into the game. THE VERY NEXT THROW AFTER TAKING OFF MY FLIP FLOPS, our friend throws a frisbee and it's way off to the left of everyone, "luckily" I was on the far left and I took off sprinting as fast as I could, it felt so good to just let loose and run. The next part gets a little fuzzy as to what I remember and what actually happened.
What I remember: Letting out a playful scream (you know like you do when you slip in front of a large group of people), Kody yelling, "Oh my gosh!", me on the ground with a handful of blood, and then shutting my eyes and not opening them again until the ambulance got there.
What Actually happened: If you ever go to Lindon park, you may have noticed the tunnel they just put in that goes underneath state street. Well we were playing in the field that is around this tunnel (for clarification purposes, we were no where near the actual tunnel). The park goes from said field, then there is a COMPLETELY RANDOM 8-10 foot drop off, that goes down onto the asphalt trail that leads to the tunnel. In my competitive spirit, keep in mind it was dark out, I ran off of the drop off (i.e., flew off of the drop off), and landed head first on the asphalt trail.

The ambulance came, because we did not know the severity of my head injury, we decide to have them take me to the hospital. 3 x-rays, 3 CAT Scans, 1 IV, 1 dose of pain meds, 3 medical professionals, 8 hours in the ER, 2 fractures around my eye and 24 stitches later, I was back home in my own bed. I looked a cross between Quasimodo and Harry Potter! My eye was completely swollen shut and my wound on my head was in the shape of a "Y". The entirety of last week was spent sleeping off the pain. I got the stitches out on Friday and went to the eye doctor today. Both visits resulted in good check ups, with no need for surgery or anything else.

Through all of this I have learned a lot, but mostly I've just been grateful. Grateful for the ER doctor that was on that night (the nurses told me he was one of THE BEST at giving stitches, and when you're getting 24 stitches in your face, you want THE BEST!), grateful that my wound on my forehead was fairly superficial, grateful that my fractures will heal on their own, grateful that I went through the hassle of filling out paper work so that my 'official graduation date' is in August instead of last April when i actually walked--the only reason I did that was to keep my health insurance, which I had never even used until this incidence, grateful to live in America where I can get awesome medical treatment, grateful for my husband who has the Priesthood and could give me a blessing in the ER immediately, grateful for a husband that literally did any/everything I asked for and a bunch of stuff I didn't ask for, and lastly, grateful for the Atonement of Jesus Christ that helped me get through an extremely trying time.

I know that all sounds so dramatic, but I've lived a pretty blessed life. That night in the ER was probably one of the worst nights of my life. Which makes me sound stupid because I know other people have to deal with the most unbelievable circumstances on a daily bases, but like I said, I've lived a pretty blessed life. I also have a new found respect for people with facial deformities. Again, sounding like a privileged brat, but I cannot tell you the embarrassing moments I've had within a week of having this big wound on my face, a blood soaked eye, and 2 black eyes, people can be vicious. *A bit of rant for just a moment, if your child yells "Dad look at that lady!" And cannot for the life of him stop staring at a person, maybe that'd be a good time to pull them aside and have a little social lesson on opposed to letting them stare at a person for an entire sacrament meeting* And I'm back, so while this sort of sucks, I have a lot to be grateful for! PLUS, I now have some pretty awesome CAT Scans and X-rays to show my anatomy classes. I have some pretty gnarly pictures of everything (yep, we anatomy teachers not only allow nurses to take pictures of our wounds, but keep some for ourselves), but I'm not sure anyone would want to see those. Let me know if you do and I'll post them :)

You're not angry with me anymore, are you? Didn't think so!



  1. OOH HUUURY POTTER.. I WANT PICTURES! And the next time a kid stares at you and the parents dont pull them aside for a lesson in manners, you are given full right to scare the CRAP out of them, and make them cry.. I do it often. okay well not OFTEN.. but its been known to happen. I hope you are doing well my dear. all my love..

  2. also sorry for the "all my love" thing.. that was pretty gay of me.. hahaha

  3. Oh my goodness!!! I'm glad you're ALIVE! Hope you're having a nice recovery. I'm sure you're still beautiful :)
